Home Security - A guide to floodlights, CCTV & Door Entry Systems.


In an era where technology is advancing rapidly, home security has become a paramount concern for homeowners. Protecting your home requires a multi-faceted approach, and three essential components that can significantly enhance your home's security are floodlights, closed-circuit television (CCTV), and door entry systems. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into how these components can be strategically integrated to create a more secure home.


The Power of Floodlights

Floodlights are a fundamental element of any home security. Adequate outdoor lighting serves as a deterrent to potential intruders and enhances the visibility around your property. Here's how you can make the most of floodlights:

Strategic Placement: Install floodlights at key points around your home, such as entry points, pathways, and dark corners. This ensures that potential intruders have nowhere to hide.

Motion Sensors: Opt for floodlights equipped with motion sensors. This feature not only conserves energy but also startles intruders by flooding the area with light when motion is detected.

Smart Lighting: Consider investing in smart floodlights that can be controlled remotely through a smartphone. This allows you to customise schedules, turn lights on or off from anywhere, and receive alerts for suspicious activity.

Shop our range of Floodlights


The Role of CCTV

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems provide a visual record of events around your home, acting as both a deterrent and a valuable tool for investigating incidents. Here's how to effectively implement CCTV:

Strategic Camera Placement: Identify key areas for camera placement, such as entry points, driveway, and vulnerable areas. Ensure that cameras cover a wide field of view without blind spots.

High-Resolution Cameras: Invest in high-resolution cameras to capture clear footage. This is crucial for identifying individuals and details in case of an incident.

Remote Monitoring: Opt for a CCTV system with remote monitoring capabilities. Modern systems allow homeowners to view live footage and receive alerts on their smartphones, providing real-time awareness and the ability to act swiftly.

Storage and Retention: Choose a CCTV system with ample storage capacity. Regularly back up footage and set up a retention schedule to ensure you have access to historical data when needed.

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Enhancing Security with Door Entry Systems

Door entry systems play a pivotal role in regulating access to your home, adding an additional layer of protection. Here's how to optimise their use:

Intercom Systems: Implement intercom systems that allow you to communicate with visitors before granting them access. This adds an extra layer of verification and discourages unauthorised entry.

Integration with Smart Home Systems: Integrate door entry systems with your smart home ecosystem. This allows you to control access remotely, receive notifications, and even grant temporary access to service providers or guests.

Shop our range of Door Entry Systems



Incorporating floodlights, CCTV, and door entry systems into your home security strategy is a proactive step toward creating a safer living environment. By strategically placing floodlights to deter intruders, implementing a comprehensive CCTV system for visual monitoring, and controlling access with advanced door entry systems, you can fortify your house and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home is well-protected. Stay vigilant, stay secure!